For March we're highlighting Zach Woolhouse!

Funatic of the Month Zach W.


When and how did you first learn about Funko? Did you start collecting right away or did it develop over time?

"I got my first Pop! vinyls 13+ years ago. It was a bobblehead Batman and bobblehead Joker. Had no idea what Funko was at the time but I loved them. Then I started to slowly see them more and more. Believe my 3rd Pop! was original DC Riddler. I still have all of these Pops!, unfortunately threw out the boxes…. But then I started finding more stuff from my childhood, like the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Pops!, and it just kinda snowballed from there.

Were you a collector before you encountered Funko?

"Wouldn’t really say I was a collector before Funko. I had a lot of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle toys growing up but didn’t really collect anything."

When would you say you switched from being a collector to becoming a Funatic? 

"Can’t remember the day but remember when I found a local Funko group on Facebook and someone posted about a new Batman Pop! coming out, Target Exclusive Batman Zur En Arrh, and I just had to have it. I remember someone telling me the day it came out, running out to my local Target on lunch break and grabbing it.

What does Funko Family mean to you?

"It means a lot. I’ve met some amazing people both in person and online. My local groups get together every couple months and have a Funko Swap Meet at a local comic book store. I’ll go just to hang out and talk with other Funatics that I haven’t seen in a while. I used to also bring homemade donuts to those events. They got so popular that if I didn’t bring any, the organizer of the Meet would 'kick me out' haha all in good fun. I’ve also made so many friends through social medias. People I talk to on a daily basis almost.

What Funko lines and fandom(s) do you collect?

"My favorite lines right now are TMNT, Horror (mainly Pennywise), and Freddy Funko."

Do you have favorite fandom(s) that hold special meaning to you?

"The TMNT figures I have remind me of my childhood. They were/still are my favorite characters. Also my Pennywise collection. Which is weird because as a child, Tim Curry’s Pennywise from the mini-series IT, scared the absolute crap out of me! But it was my mom, who is a huge Stephen King fan, would get me into Horror books and movies later on in my life. So in a weird way, reminds me of her."

Is there anyone you share your fandom(s) with?

"My kids. My son loves collecting the Pokémon Pops! and my daughter, though she doesn’t collect any, loves playing with the TMNT ones."

What was the first Funko piece in your collection?

"Batman and Joker bobblehead Pops! figures. I still think back and wonder if the metallic chases were sitting behind those ones....

Is there a particular Funko art or figure style that you enjoy?

"I do love a good glow-in-the-dark Pop!

How do you display your collection? In box, out of box, shelves, cases?

"Yes, to all. I have certain Pops! that are in the box still that sit on shelves, others that I display out of box on my work desk & then I have special OOB ones that are in baseball bat display cases in my bedroom."

Is there anything not made by Funko that you collect?

"I collect movie soundtracks on vinyl records. I have every TMNT movie soundtrack and a lot of horror movie soundtracks. My absolute favorite soundtrack is “The Haunting of Bly Manor.” I also collect NECA TMNT and horror figures. I use them in my toy photography."

What movie/show/game/album/podcast are you currently watching/playing/listening to?

"I just got done finally watching Shameless and Sopranos. I usually rewatch my favorite movie once a month, Shaun of the Dead. As for video games, I’ve been playing a lot of Sessions (skateboarding simulator), Rocket League and I play Mario Kart with my kids a lot also. And last but not least, my favorite podcast is 'The Last Podcast on the Left.' I can listen to old episodes over and over again. Also, I have to give a shout out to a podcast that I’ve been on a few times, and hopefully more in the future, 'The Funkaholics Podcast.' We discuss a lot about professional wrestling and of course, toys!"

What do you love about Funko?

"There’s something out there for everybody.

What’s your favorite Funko memory?

"One of them probably has to be the time I won a 'Funko SODA Saturday' photo on Twitter. It was the first time I won anything from Funko and I just remember seeing the old social media director shared my photo, then I got the message from the team congratulating me on winning. And then I saw people’s comments calling me a 'professional photographer' and I had a laugh because at the time, I never considered myself a “professional” let alone that good at it. Also another favorite memory is when I went work for TC Bear, the mascot for the Minnesota Twins baseball team, and I brought along the TC Bear Pop! vinyl. He never saw it before and got super excited. I now bring that with me to every game I work and usually take a photo of it out on the field."

What motivated you to start photographing your collection and sharing the photos on social media?

"I love photography but sometimes I have troubles speaking and giving people directions. With Pops! and action figures, I can just put them how they need to be and take the pictures.

Can you share a little bit about your thought process going into staging and taking photos of your collectibles?

"Sometimes, I’ll get ideas in my head early in the day so I’ll write them down so I can take a photo later, especially if I have to set up my dioramas and get accessories out. And other times, I will make time for myself to do toy photography, I’ll get all of my stuff together and just kind of wing it. But if I am going on a vacation or camping, I plan out what figures I can bring with and which ones will work best for the environment I am going to."

What advice do you have for other Funatics taking photos of their collection?

"Have fun! That’s it. Don’t take it too seriously, just have fun with it. I’ve had times where something isn’t working and I get all stressed out. But then I’ll realize, it’s just a toy photo and I can always come back to it later on. It’s not going anywhere.

If licensing rights weren't a limitation, what would be a Pop! collection you’d like to see made?

"Funko has actually made a bunch of my wishlist come true in the last few years, Killer Klowns from Outer Space & American Psycho, to name a few. I would love to see TMNT as the Universal Monsters. Those were my favorite toys as a kid. I’d also love to see some more 'cryptid monsters' based on urban legends in America like Beast of Bray Road (werewolf), Skunk Ape (smelly Bigfoot), Champ the lake monster, Jersey Devil, etc."

Anything else you'd like to share?

"I’d just like to say thank you Funko for choosing me! I’ve been hoping for this moment for a long long time. One thing to check off my collector’s bucket list. Next I’ll have to come out to HQ or get myself to a con sometime. If you’d like to follow me, if you don’t already, I’m Instagram: @zachattack_horrornerd, Twitter aka X: iamzach_attack & on TikTok: zacharywoolhouse. I always post toy photos, behind the scene set ups, behind the back basketball trick shots and others."

Thank you Zach, for taking the time to share details about your Funko experience and collection with the Funko Family.

If you are interested in possibly being a featured Funatic, you can tag @OriginalFunko on Instagram or Twitter along with a picture of you with your collection with #FunaticOfTheMonth.