We are so excited to reveal our 2016 SDCC exclusives!
Between exciting new licenses and completely unique molds, we have a lot of fun surprises in store for all of you!
Information regarding our booth procedures and more will be shared upon completion of our reveals in early July.
Here's our second round of reveals!!
Pop! Hanna Barbera: Peter Potamus & So-So 2-pack (750pc LE)

Pop! Movies: Batman v Superman - Superman (False God variant)
Between exciting new licenses and completely unique molds, we have a lot of fun surprises in store for all of you!
Information regarding our booth procedures and more will be shared upon completion of our reveals in early July.
Here's our second round of reveals!!
Pop! Hanna Barbera: Peter Potamus & So-So 2-pack (750pc LE)

Pop! Movies: Batman v Superman - Superman (False God variant)

Pop! Marvel: Deadpool - Thumbs Up Deadpool (Black & White)

ReAction: Dark Crystal - Landstrider Box Set

Dorbz: Alice Through the Looking Glass 4-pack (750pc LE)

Pop! Animation: Duck Dodgers - Glow-in-the-Dark White Gamma (1500pc LE)

Pop! Animation: Duck Dodgers - Glow-in-the-Dark Blue Gamma (750pc LE)

Check back on Friday for our next wave of announcements!
Did you miss the first wave of reveals? Click here!