Wade Lewis
Dixon Mills, AL
What Funko lines do you collect? How many pieces are in your collection?
I collect the horror movie, action movie, Marvel, DC and The Walking Dead Pop! Vinyl lines. Right now I have about 25 in my collection.
How long have you been a collector?
I've been a collector for about 3 years.
What are your favorite fandoms?
The Walking Dead and pretty much any horror movies. Love Bates Motel and anything in the MCU!
What was your first Funko item?
Darryl Dixon with Crossbow Pop!
What is your favorite Funko piece in your collection?
My favorite right now would have to be Michael Myers, but when my Pennywise preorder comes in I believe it will be!
Tell us your favorite Funko story!
A few years ago on Christmas, my stepdaughter who didn't live with us at the time didn't have hardly any money saved. She wanted to buy me something for Christmas, because of how thankful she was for all I did for her. I told her I did not want her to spend her money on me, to save it and buy herself something. Well Christmas Day comes around and she has me a small box, wrapped nicely. When I opened it up I almost cried. She knew how much I loved The Walking Dead and she had gone to a thrift shop and found that Darryl Dixon with the crossbow. Though it was not much, that was the best gift I received that year!! She is the most thoughtful child in the world and that gift still means the world to me!! I love my Katy!!
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