Funko is proud to announce the debut of
our first digital Pop! 3D figures!
Now you can download, collect and trade Pop!
figures all on your iOS devices!
As part of our celebration for the 50th anniversary of Star Trek,
you can now download Captain James T. Kirk, Scotty,
and Spock digital Pop! figures directly to your phone
through the Quidd app (link is accessible from mobile only)!

Once you open Quidd, you will be able to earn and
purchase coins to exchange for digital Pop! figures!
Each Pop! is random and will state the title and edition number
of your new figure. It takes the fun of collecting mystery Pop!
and puts in right on your phone!
Every figure can be rotated in a 360 degree view and is
automatically added to your digital collection. You can then
view your collection at any time, and trade your duplicate figures
with other collectors in the Quidd app.
Stay tuned for news on more licenses and support for Android coming soon!
Check out the rest of our digital Pop! Star Trek selection below!