Pop! Keychain: Lord of the Rings
If you must go on a lengthy, dangerous quest
—whether to Mordor or some other destination—
it's absolutely essential that you bring along the best companions.
Prepare your keychain for the adventure of a lifetime with
Frodo Baggins, Aragorn, an invisible Frodo Baggins, Gandalf,
Gollum, an invisible Gollum, Samwise Gamgee, Saruman,
Pippin Took, Merry Brandybuck, a Ringwraith and a Nazgul.
Pop! Movies: Lord of the Rings No fellowship would be complete without Legolas armed with his bow,
Gimli with his ax and Boromir with his sword and horn of Gondor.
You may find an unlikely ally in the Dunharrow King,
who is eager to fulfill his oath to Isildur and be rid of his curse.
If you can choose your path, perhaps avoid the Witch King of Angmar,
leader of the Ringwraiths and scourge of Middle-earth.
Lady Galadriel, keeper of Nenya, the Ring of Adamant,
might bestow a gift upon you if you're very lucky.
Look for tempted Galadriel at Barnes & Noble!
Elrond can be found at Hot Topic!