Disney New York Comic Con exclusives including a two-pack
of black and white Disney Mickey Mouse vinyl figures
from the Mickey's 90th celebration series, a Little Whirlwind Mickey Pop!
from the same collection, Sora from Kingdom Hearts in Pop!
guardian form, the cunning Shere Khan from Tailspin and a
truly epic Pop! Rides version of the Pizza Planet Truck driven
by Buzz Lightyear from Disney•Pixar's Toy Story.
Mini Vinyl Figures: Disney - Mickey Mouse (2-pack) (B&W) (Amazon)
Pop! Disney: Mickey's 90th - Whirlwind Mickey (Walmart)
Pop! Disney: KH3 - Sora as Guardian (Walmart)
Pop! Disney: TaleSpin - Shere Khan with Hands Together (GameStop/ EB Games)
Pop! Rides: Toy Story - Pizza Planet truck (BoxLunch)