Dustin Wheat
Cold Spring, KY
What Funko lines do you collect? How many pieces are in your collection?
I collect everything Funko-related that I can get my hands on. Right now I'm starting my Hikari, Dorbz, and Mystery Mini collections and have a near complete Vinyl Vixens collection, but Pop! Vinyls are where I started and they are my greatest collection. I currently have over 150 Funko figures and it grows almost every day!
How long have you been a collector?
About a year.
What are your favorite fandoms?
I love Blizzard, most cartoons, Supernatural, DC and Marvel everything.
What was your first Funko item?
Thrall Pop! from World of Warcraft
What is your favorite Funko piece in your collection?
Crystal Blue Heisenberg Pop!
Tell us your favorite Funko story!
The story of how I got started is the best one to me. I was playing at a comic shop with my friends and when I walked around to look at figures and books, I noticed a World of Warcraft line. I was a streamer at the time so I thought “I might as well use him as a desk decoration” and I bought the one Pop! Vinyl. But next week when I returned, I thought “Maybe I should collect the entire Warcraft line?” and so I bought a new figure every week until I had finished the Warcraft collection. Then I noticed Blizzcon was going to have an exclusive Mur'Ghoul figure... I dropped $50 to get it from a scalper and don't regret it at all. But on my birthday that year, my family noticed I was collecting these toys, not realizing I had only intended to get Warcraft stuff. My sister and brother bought me a Jake the Dog figure from Adventure Time... Well now I have to collect this set. That was how the craziness started but it expanded when I went to Hot Topic, F.Y.E., my comic shop... I was slowly starting to realize these things were everywhere and they looked amazing! Not a single one was dull or boring and I could display them in or out of the box. I was hooked just like that and now I have a collection of over 150 pieces from various lines and fandoms. I one day hope to have just a room dedicated to my collection so that I can wander in as an observer would in a museum and let them spark my creative nature.
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