@ChoiPetrache BvS news coming after the holidays!
— Funko (@OriginalFunko) December 18, 2015
@f4denz Awesome! Take a pic at the theater and send it to us to enter our giveaway!
— Funko (@OriginalFunko) December 18, 2015
@croedgaming Clearly, it's @MingNa, and always will be.
— Funko (@OriginalFunko) December 18, 2015
@MarcosTrejo_15 That Pop! Ride is out now my friend!
— Funko (@OriginalFunko) December 18, 2015
@MileHighPopHunt You will not see any changes!
— Funko (@OriginalFunko) December 18, 2015
@Two_Cams25 Good q! If series 1 does well there's a better chance of a second series.
— Funko (@OriginalFunko) December 18, 2015
@jmarinas We're working on it. Hopefully!
— Funko (@OriginalFunko) December 18, 2015
@AliveInTucson Closer to the movie!
— Funko (@OriginalFunko) December 18, 2015
@CadeLitolff Enter our contests! We have several new contests each day!
— Funko (@OriginalFunko) December 18, 2015
@Desertlife94 early 2016. Stay tuned!
— Funko (@OriginalFunko) December 18, 2015
@lostgirldixon Easily the other people. We have an amazing team here. And also the sample room.
— Funko (@OriginalFunko) December 18, 2015