Danny Mourre
What Funko lines do you collect? How many pieces are in your collection?
I collect Pop!s, Mystery Minis, and Dorbz. I own 131 Pop! Vinyls (including 6” and Pocket Pop!s), as well as a few Dorbz and Mystery Minis.
How long have you been a collector?
Just under a year.
What are your favorite fandoms?
Comics, Horror, Dr. Who, anime/manga.
What was your first Funko item?
My first Pop! was Green Lantern.
What is your favorite Funko piece in your collection?
The Sorcerer Mickey Pop! is my favorite!
Tell us your favorite Funko story!
Over the course of the past few months, I've been collecting Funko more and more. One day I went Pop! hunting before work and I had to store my haul in the office. My co-workers and supervisors got curious about what was in my bags. So, I showed them all what I had gotten. None of them had heard of Pop!s or knew they existed so they started to ask questions about them. Some of my co-workers became very intrigued. In the weeks that followed, more and more of my work friends started to buy Pop!s and become Funko collectors themselves. Fast forward to now, my work friends and I go Pop! hunting every two weeks on pay day - we have a good time then go out for food. It has become a tradition for us now and we've become close friends thanks to Funko Pop!s!
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