Follow the adventures of Sora, Donald, Goofy and friends as they embark on a new journey to stop evil forces through Disney and Pixar worlds in Kingdom Hearts III. In celebration of Kingdom Hearts III's release, BoxLunch presents an expansive assortment of merchandise including the Funko Pop! Disney Kingdom Hearts III Flocked Sora Monsters Inc. Vinyl Figure. The BoxLunch-exclusive Flocked Sora Monsters Inc. Vinyl Figure is available now both in-store and online at
BoxLunch also has a selection of exclusive Loungefly Bags now available:
Loungefly Disney Kingdom Hearts Safari Mini Backpack - BoxLunch Exclusive
Loungefly Disney Kingdom Hearts Coin Purses - BoxLunch Exclusive
Loungefly Disney Kingdom Hearts Sports Fanny Pack - BoxLunch Exclusive
To further celebrate the release of Kingdom Hearts III, BoxLunch is also giving away the ultimate prize pack that includes your choice of gaming console, deluxe edition of the game and a $250 BoxLunch gift card. Visit to enter!