When the hour grows light
and the sun sets low
when the shadows grow long
And the nights grow cold
There's a chill in the air and you know what that means
it's Halloween time with yours truly, Junkenstein

Just in time for Halloween, BoxLunch and Hot Topic will launch an exclusive Pop! set from Junkenstein's Revenge game play, the seasonal Halloween Terror event that occurs in Overwatch in October.

Just in time for Halloween, BoxLunch and Hot Topic will launch an exclusive Pop! set from Junkenstein's Revenge game play, the seasonal Halloween Terror event that occurs in Overwatch in October.
Dr. Junkenstein (Junkrat) will be sold exclusively at BoxLunch stores and BoxLunch.com
Junkenstein's Monster (Roadhog) will be sold exclusively at Hot Topic stores and Hottopic.com
Available October 1st in stores and online!