Let the Fun-shine in! Discover new summer hours at our flagship stores in Everett, Washington and Hollywood, California.

“We’re adding in an extra hour of summer fun,” Beth Crnkovich, Everett Retail Store General Manager, announced.

Starting Monday, June 10, our stores will be open every day from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. These hours will last through Sunday, Sept. 1.

On July 4 and Sept. 2 (Labor Day), we’ll observe our summer holiday hours, which means our stores will close two hours early at 4 p.m. 

These hours help support the number of new visitors and Funatics who stop by for an interactive retail experience.

“We’re happy to announce these new extended hours for more cool indoor fun, especially since school is out, and more people are traveling to visit our stores,” said Nikki Leacock, Hollywood Store Retail Sales Manager.

Chill with lots of cool Pops!, SODAs & more inside our store. What’s on your summer Pop! wish list?