Since Funko was originally founded 21 years ago, the company has been bringing pop culture fans together, creating products and moments that help people around the world connect as fans. Part of that celebration includes telling the fan story—your story—which is something we do regularly with our Funatic of the Week feature.
For the last several years, we've taken the same approach to selecting featured Funatics: fans fill out a form with their information and photographs of their collection and the selected fan is featured on the blog and receives a gift in the mail. It's a system that works but nonetheless we believe there are more stories, more fans and more stunning photographs of Funko products and collections that deserve to be seen and told. So, we're taking a new approach to selecting and featuring the Funatic of the Week.
We want to hear your stories. We want to know the defining moment that you became a Funatic, the defining moments you fell in love with your favorite fandoms. We want to see how you display your collection, and the creative ways you interact with your collectibles. We're going to be looking for future Funatics on social media. We're going to be combing through Instagram and Twitter for Funatics sharing their compelling Funko and pop culture stories and collectibles using #FunaticOfTheWeek and #MyFunkoStory. Keep an eye on the blog for the first Funatic feature utilizing this new process.
Happy collecting!