Jeames Dunne

When and how did you first learn about Funko? Did you start collecting right away or did it develop over time?

"My friends had collected Funko Pops! for a while before I got into it. I was pretty heavily into collecting comics, and at the time my attention wasn't on Funko. Though the first Pops! that caught my eye were the Teen Titans Go Pops!, which opened my eyes to this amazing, fun and affordable collectible. As time went on, Pop! collecting has overshadowed some of my other collections."

Were you a collector before you encountered Funko?

"Yes, I had a couple collections. Comics, DVDs/BluRays and I was even barely starting to get into collecting old cameras."

When would you say you switched from being a collector to becoming a Funatic?

"I had collected for a little bit, and my friend suggested I attend Funko Fundays. That was my first real interaction with Funko in person and the Funatic Family that grew around it. It was something special to share my enthusiasm with other people who felt the same way!"

What does Funko Family mean to you?

"We're all collectors of things we love. We sharing that excitement with the Funko Family online and in person at events and it has been amazing! I can't count the amount of people I consider friends from the Funko Family, and I'm always excited to meet more!"

What Funko lines and fandom(s) do you collect?

"Oh boy! I'll dip into almost any line at least once! My main Funko collection is Pops! of course, but Dorbz, SODA figures, Mystery Minis, and Pint Size Heroes always hold a place in my heart. I'm waiting for that perfect Project Fred piece for me.

As far as fandoms, I'm a lover of movies, comics and entertainment, so my biggest draws are Marvel, DC, Anime, TV/Movies, and out of left field Ad Icons. In the last few years, Funko and Droppp have been delivering absolutely wonderful and exclusive Digital Pop! pieces that have definitely pulled me right in! And it doesn't hurt that they've produced some amazing Freddy Funko Pops!"

Do you have favorite fandom(s) that hold special meaning to you?

"I'm trying to think of any particular fandom as they are all pretty special, but I think the Freddy Funko holds a special place with me because he's a symbol of our fandoms, a representation of the fans and the Funko Family! He's dressed frequently in our favorite character's costumes and reminds us of the fun from Funko."

Is there anyone you share your fandom(s) with?

"Oh yes! I'm in a couple collectors groups and discords for various things. Going to shout out to my group at SCFF (the So Cal Funko Force) who help, and meet and party together at events! The crew at the Digital Pop Kingdom discord are also amazing, there's a lot of fun conversations there!"

What was the first Funko piece in your collection?

"You know, it's been a while, so I can't say what my FIRST one was, because I believe I got something while I was waiting for the first wave of Teen Titans Go Pops! to drop, but TTG was what drew me in! I would imagine it was probably the older Marvel Spider-Man in the classic Pop! pose."

Is there a particular Funko art or figure style that you enjoy?

"To be honest, I prefer the regular versions of Pops!. Perhaps the glow or metallic as well. The others are such a matter of taste. Though I will admit, quite a few black light Pops! have caught my attention, and look very cool in photos!"

How do you display your collection? In box, out of box, shelves, cases?

"Most of my collection is in box, but I'm not afraid to take things out to look good on the shelf out of box, or to take pictures! I try to keep the shelves updated and organized with a mix of the two. Other than that, my den is starting to look like a store or warehouse!"

Is there anything not made by Funko that you collect?

"Non-Funko collectibles? I've kinda slowed on some of them, but I'll definitely pick up some comics and toys for myself from time to time. Lately my focus has been on some single issue anime comics that were released in America by companies like Viz and Central Park Media, things that I enjoyed when I was younger."

What movie/show/game are you currently watching/playing?

Tough question because I'm at the theater virtually every week! I enjoy the movie-going experience and also feel that we live in the golden age of TV. There's something for everyone, and it's awesome. And for gaming, I lose in Fortnite ALL the time! Working hard on those Second Place finishes!"

What do you love about Funko?

"From an amazing and long-lived product line like Pops!, to community interaction, Funko's been making it awesome to be a fan! I don't know many other toy companies that hold this many events to interact with their customers and fan base."

What’s your favorite Funko memory?

"I'm going to have to go with two stories on this one.

Marv Wolfman, the amazing writer and creator of the New Teen Titans comic and creator of Titans characters like Raven, Starfire, Cyborg, and Deathstroke, was signing at a local convention, and I had brought a couple Hot Topic Exclusive White Raven Pops! to get signed. He had never seen them before! He had all the other ones, but this exclusive had sold out and was a bit harder to find. He asked where I got it, and I explained that it was from Hot Topic, but they might be sold out. He turned to his wife and said, "We need to go to Hot Topic." To which I replied, "Don't sign this one, just take it, it's yours." I was excited to help a man that brought about such wonderful characters!

And the other time was at a Fundays which I have been very lucky to be able to attend. I saw a member of the Funko team while I was getting water, and thanked them for putting on an amazing event! They asked if I had a Social Media Freddy 2.0, which... I did. But I told them that I knew a Funatic who didn't, and deserved one! She handed it to me and when I returned to my table, I gave it to my friend Larry, who was one of my closest friends and one of the big reasons I'm even a Funatic at all! He's helped me so much through the years and definitely deserved it!"

What motivated you to start photographing your collection and sharing the photos on social media?

"It started with just showcasing things from my collection, usually stuff I just acquired, and transitioned into taking Pop! figures with me on trips and to events for fun little photos, and then Funko started the Funko Photo-A-Day contests, which got my creative juices going. There are some amazing toy photographers that inspire me and help me learn and push myself to try to take cooler shots, learn techniques that, at least to me, appeal to the eye or are fun and humorous. And some of these Pops! just SCREAM to be subjects of photographs!

Can you share a little bit about your thought process going into staging and taking photos of your collectibles?

"Well, do your best to consider the character. What type of setting suits them or for silly photos, would be counter intuitive to the character.

But the main focus is the figure(s). Think of how your favorite scenes from movies play out, how they are shot. Think about how you can make the picture more dynamic, even a slight tilt of the camera can have an effect on the photo."

What advice do you have for other Funatics taking photos of their collection?

"Build a prop library over time, and get creative with them! Turn something on its side, or shine a light through it for a different look. Even everyday household items can look cool or crazy when you either crop a portion out or shoot them out of focus. $5 here, $10 there is not going to break the bank, and you spend time picking quality pieces, things you can use over and over again.

I've also found that multiple light sources can create some amazingly fun effects and drama! Again, don't buy hundreds of dollars in props and equipment off the bat, the best thing you can do is learn as you go!

Follow some of the amazing toy photographers on Instagram. For example, ChrisRulesEverythingAroundMe is an amazing set builder and photographer who's got me really excited to want to try building my own dioramas and set pieces, and FunkoHOV takes amazing outdoor (and indoor) photos which we can all learn from. Ask them questions, watch their process."

If licensing wasn’t a limitation, what would be a Pop! collection you’d like to see made?

"Nintendo characters is the obvious answer, but I'd also love it if Funko could dip into some more "classic" anime from the 90's-2000's, such as Ranma 1/2, Robotech, Akira, Slayers, etc. This one's not my fav, but I know too many people who would absolutely go nuts over Ninja Scroll Pops!"

Thank you Jeames, for taking the time to share details about your Funko experience and collection with the Funko Family.

If you are interested in possibly being a featured Funatic, you can tag @OriginalFunko on Instagram or Twitter along with a picture of you with your collection with #FunaticOfTheMonth.