Tabby King
Morgantown, WV
What Funko lines do you collect? How many pieces are in your collection?
I collect Game of Thrones, Stranger Things, The 100, Gilmore Girls, Wonder Woman, Disney, Transformers, The Flash, Orphan Black, Breaking Bad, Walking Dead, Power Rangers, and Riverdale.
How long have you been a collector?
4 years
What are your favorite fandoms?
Game of Thrones, Stranger Things, Wonder Woman, The 100, Gilmore Girls
What was your first Funko item?
Bicycle Girl from The Walking Dead
What is your favorite Funko piece in your collection?
Bumblebee from Transformers
Tell us your favorite Funko story!
A few of my most prized Pop!s are Bumblebee, Cosima from Orphan Black, and Octavia from The 100. I love these pops because they each represent a different side of myself. Bumblebee lost his voice but was able to overcome that by using the radio to speak. I myself, am a quiet person but use his courage to be more social. Cosima is this super cool nerdy lesbian that doesn't hide who she is in any situation. Octavia is strong and fearless. I love collecting these to express who I am.
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