Hang on to your hat and gather your crew. We’ve whipped up a special selection of Indiana Jones™ collectibles for your set. Let’s dig in!

New Discoveries

Adventures await with our bobbleheads of Indiana Jones, Indiana Jones with Jacket, Henry Jones Senior, Sallah, Marion Ravenwood, and Arnold Toht.

Archaeology 101

The doctor is in—Dr. Jones, that is. Catch this exclusive Dr. Jones collectible before his office hours end.

Speaking of class, this exclusive Dr. Jones collectible looks dapper in an iconic white suit. Help him prevent historical treasures from falling into the wrong hands by bringing him home to your Pop! Movies set.

Display-Case Ready

Behold the Indiana Jones Die-Cast collectible. He’s holding his whip and the Golden Idol—ready to make an escape for your collection. 

Unlock a Treasure

Treasure key moments from your favorite Indiana Jones Movies with a Pocket Pop! Keychain of Indiana Jones.

Cue the lights! This Light-Up Special Effects Pop! Indiana Jones collectible is ready to come to life in your collection.

Make a daring escape with this exclusive Super Deluxe Pop! Ride featuring Pop! Indiana Jones and Pop! Henry Jones Senior on a Motorcycle with Sidecar.

Even “boulder,” more iconic moments await with our Pop! Moment featuring Pop! Indiana Jones Running from a Boulder.

What Do You Treasure?

Which valuable items will you go home with from our Indiana Jones collection? But don’t keep them in a museum. Share them with us on social media by tagging @OriginalFunko on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.