Josh Thompson
Bland, VA
What Funko lines do you collect? How many pieces are in your collection?
My collection consists of various Funko lines such as Pop!s, Wacky Wobblers, Dorbz, Spastik & Fantastik Plastiks, Hikari, Blox, Deluxe Vinyls, 12 & 20-inch Banks, a few Mystery Minis & ReAction Figures, Mopeez, subscription box items & apparel, along with a few other lines totaling north of 1,250 items & counting.
How long have you been a collector?
2.5 years.
What are your favorite fandoms?
I am a total geek for anything Funko, but I also love Sci-Fi, Disney, Harry Potter, Marvel & DC, Star Wars, Advertising Icons, Pro-Wrestling, Travel, Television, Movies, Music, EXPERIENCES!!!
What was your first Funko item?
Rocket Raccoon Pop!
What is your favorite Funko piece in your collection?
There are numerous items in my collection that I absolutely love, but my favorite would have to be my 1 of 50, 12-inch Freddy Bobble Bank with Bone Daddy! Two of my most adored original Funko characters featured in one outstanding bank, both wearing orange, with Freddy's t-shirt labeled “Trick or Treat” representative of my favorite holiday!
Tell us your favorite Funko story!
Though my collection is full of Funko diversity now, that wasn't always the case. One of my absolute favorite things about Funko is its ability to create the same character across various lines; ultimately giving its licensed characters a harmonic synchronized look & feel through familiar branded artistic designs.
When I first started collecting I was only familiar with the Pop! line and thus were the only Funko item I collected for the first several months. As my desire for more grew, I began joining Funko collector groups through all the various channels I could find. Of all of these groups, the most impactful was joining the Funko Funatic boards where I would be exposed to an array of older Funko items that I had never seen before. I must admit, the appeal of the classic Wobblers, Spastiks, etc was very infectious, especially as I began seeing pictures of them posted on the board.
At the start of this year I decided I would make an effort to go out and see some of these amazing pieces of Funko history in person, the only way that I knew how… finding veteran Funko collectors. My very first Funatic meet-up came about through an afternoon in Florida. Never shy to let a few hundred miles get in the way of a fun time, I made the drive down and spent hours staring at historical pieces of vinyl and talking Funko! At that point I was hooked for life!
This Funatic lifestyle has taken me thousands of miles and across two countries, meeting several other Funko Hall of Fame members and collectors along the way. Ultimately, I look forward to all the Funatics I'll meet & the fun I'll have with this wacky obsession that is Funko collecting.
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