Rahnon M.
New Jersey
What Funko lines do you collect? How many pieces are in your collection?
I collect Pop!, Dorbz and Pocket Pop!. I have a few ;-) (I NEVER tell but if I must...745!)
How long have you been a collector?
My first Pop! was purchased on December 26, 2010.

What are your favorite fandoms?
My favorite fandoms are Wonder Woman, Batman and Disney Villains.
What was your first Funko item?
My first Funko item was a Wonder Woman Pop! I was online looking at Wonder Woman merchandise, saw her and fell IN LOVE!!! When she came in and I saw the quality and cuteness, SOLD! When I flipped over the box and saw Funko made more, TROUBLE!! Off and running I went and have not looked back!

What is your favorite Funko piece in your collection?
My favorite Funko piece...YIKES!!!! I have so many... They ALL have a story... I guess I will say Freddy Funko. My favorites are Frankenberry Freddy because he was a surprise birthday gift. Then, Winged Monkey Freddy because he was and is my "Grail" Pop! (as I type this, my black & white Toy Tokyo Wonder Woman stares at me like, “How could you not pick me!” along with my entire Alice In Wonderland Collection). Sorry. I really LOVE them all...

Tell us your favorite Funko story!
My favorite Funko story is my most embarrassing. I was one of the lucky few who had the opportunity to tour Funko Headquarters when it was open to the public. It was such an honor and overwhelming experience. I remember sitting in my rental car thinking how amazing it would be if I could meet Brian Mariotti. When my tour started I was informed there was a huge meeting with the big suits and Brian was super busy. Cool. Let the tour begin... So much to see. So much to take in. The Funko Team was amazing and answered all of my questions. The concept wall was life changing... Then having the opportunity to discuss potential lines with artists (like The Fifth Element, Rocky Horror Picture Show), priceless!!! I was floating on cloud nine. At the end you get to take a Pop! and I was soooooo busy running my mouth, when I realized Brian was in the room, I totally fangirled and just said hi. Hi! Nooo “O!M!G! I LOVE what you are doing! YOU are AMAZING!!! You changed my life...” Just hi. I shake my head in shame every time I think about it.
And then sometimes in life you get a “DO OVER.” Years later, a friend took me to Toy Fair and I got a chance to apologize to Brian and tell him how much I LOVE Funko...but I still feel like a FOOL!!! (And I can't believe I just shared that story with the ENTIRE FUNKO COMMUNITY! UGH!!)
My prouder Funko moments... The FIRST time I called myself a Funatic. I had been collecting for 4 years and still considered myself a newbie. Then one day I called Hot Topic and referred to myself as The POP Lady and a Funatic and it ALL CLICKED! I had arrived. Also, through Instagram I have made a ton of Funko friends, and created and started one of the most popular hashtags, #POPTwinsTuesday. It is such a pleasure watching the community come together, get creative and participate in something that celebrates my love for Funko.

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