It has been a long Fundays tradition to honor creative fans who love to customize original Funko products and turn them into something brand new!
Like last year, we opened it up to those who weren't able to attend and took submissions through the Funko Funatic forum! We also created two divisions, following our theme for this year's Fundays: Varsity - for previous winners - and JV!
Winners were selected by Brian Mariotti himself and announced at Fundays! Here's a closer look at their amazing work!
Like last year, we opened it up to those who weren't able to attend and took submissions through the Funko Funatic forum! We also created two divisions, following our theme for this year's Fundays: Varsity - for previous winners - and JV!
Winners were selected by Brian Mariotti himself and announced at Fundays! Here's a closer look at their amazing work!
1st Place: Dustin Smith
College Mascots
College Mascots

2nd Place: Andrea Martiny
Phantom Darkest Dreams
3rd Place: Gino Roberto
Avatar - Jake Sully & Toruk Makto

4th Place: Alan Drummond
Rick and Morty - In a buttload of trouble
1st Place: Christina Cooper
Super SMASH Bros.

2nd Place: Kroffty
Dark Shadows 1966-1971

3rd Place: Michael Hofeldt
I Love Lucy
Thanks to everyone who took the time to submit their entry - see a gallery including more customs here!