We asked you guys to let us know what you were willing to do for Fundays tickets, and we've narrowed it down to four finalists!
There were a lot of offers for corn chugging (that's sacred to Fundays!) and permanent changes to your physical body via tattoos or possibility of injury (we don't want that on our conscience!)! For those of you who offered to donate items to charity... we hope you feel compelled to do so anyway. :) Spreading a little good karma around never hurts your chances in the future!
Voting will close at 8:00AM PT on June 1st! The winner will then have to send us a video- to share with you all- accomplishing their feat to win their Fundays tickets!!
The other three finalists will win SDCC prize packs!
*UPDATE 6/1/2017!*
Voting has closed - Amanda (GorutDesselle) has been selected to perform her feat! Stand by for the video!!